Evaluation of Laws Protecting Rights of Women

Co-founder and Associate, Mangal & Mangal Law Offices, India.

Associate, Mangal & Mangal Law Offices, India.
Volume I – Issue I, 2020
Women in India are worshiped as goddesses. The oriental tradition of India “MAATRI DEVO BHAVA” affirms the same as it means worship your mother; and women should be honored with great reverence like goddess. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Women in India, since 2500 BC i.e. from Vedic period to present day have gained many rights but there has always been a question mark on the safety of women. Until women were given equal rights as men, they were subject to crime throughout the world at various stages. They were always suppressed and abused.
ed both sexually and mentally and therefore protection of women has always been an issue of global concern. Various International Organizations, States, Non-Governmental Organizations have taken various steps in curbing the problem both collectively and individually. As per the Indian Constitution, no citizen shall be discriminated on the grounds of sex, religion, caste and also guaranties its citizen Right to equality and therefore the state has always taken necessary steps by making strict laws for the protection of the rights of women.
The paper focuses on evaluating how effective the laws are for protecting the Rights of Women. to protect the rights of women. Also, it tries to criticize the implementation of present laws and provide for its suggestions to plug-in the loopholes in the system.
Keywords: United Nations, United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, CEDAW, Indian Constitution, laws in India, Protection of women.